We are now on Faithlife!!!

We are excited to announce a new connection using Faithlife.com to connect with our church community and our families.

What is Faithlife?

Faithlife is an online service that allows churches to connect with each other and the world in a protected environment (similar to facebook, but with more features).

This includes:

  • A church calendar
  • Online groups to connect people with ministries that matter
  • A new website: RedemptionWF.com
  • Livestreaming through Faithlife TV (Here is our channel!)
  • Biblestudy apps on Apple, Google, and Amazon (search "faithlife")
  • Sermon outlines and connections
  • Online giving (we are still using churchcenter for online giving for now)

Our Five Functions.

We believe scripture provides guidance on the purpose of the church. Here are five functions we are committed to as part of the body of Christ.


[People telling people what God has done for them]


[Pointing others to Christ in all of life's situations]


[Spending time with each other, sharing Jesus in common]


[Worshipping Jesus as life's highest  priority in song, in giving, in service, and life]


[Taking part in serving our Community for the glory of God]

Seeking His Kingdom First.

We meet together weekly in both formal and informal settings to encourage each other to seek His Kingdom first!
We believe God has called us to Love Him. This means we place obedience to Him above everything else.
We believe that we are called to love everyone. We will love you like Jesus loves you, to the best of our ability.
We believe that God calls us to pursue becoming more like Jesus. While it is work Jesus does in us, we choose to pursue holy living.

Love God

We will love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Love Others

We will love our neighbor (everyone) as ourselves.

Pursue Holiness

While no one is perfect, we will allow Jesus (who is perfect) to change us to be more like Him.

Other Ways to Reach Us.